Yoga at Your Desk: Chair Yoga + Myofascial Release (30min.)

I received a request for a Chair Yoga sequence that you could practice at your desk (gracias Maritza!) and I thought it was a wonderful idea!! I love requests like this because it reminds me of the true power of a yoga practice: It’s available to us anytime, anywhere and it doesn’t have to look any one certain way.

This class is a 30minute Chair Yoga practice, with some MFR for the intercostals at the beginning and MFR for the low back at the end. You will need 2 therapy balls or tennis balls, or even 2 pairs of rolled up socks will work! And towel or blanket and a block or bolster or pillow might be helpful. Stuff you can find around your house!

I do my best offer a lot of explanation in case you are new to a yoga practice - this is a great place to begin! This class is also great if you don’t want to expend a lot of energy, or spend too much time on your feet or weight bearing on your hands (as we so often do in yoga). It’s also a great practice to turn to, like Maritza mentioned, as a break from working over your desk or computer, and to get your body moving and feeling good.

Keeping that in mind, take what you need from this practice! Maybe it’s just a few poses from this class that you find are helpful, that’s great! Incorporate them into your work day. You don’t need 30minutes to make a difference. Just a few minutes of intentional breathing and movement can play a big role relieving tension, helping you to feel connected, and boosting your mood + focus.

I hope you enjoy! And keep sending me some requests, I‘m really having fun creating sequences and content for you!!

These online offerings are FREE for everyone. Please share with anyone that you think would enjoy. Donations are not required, but are welcome via Venmo, PayPal or ATH Movil.

ATH MOVIL: 843-290-4192

I hope you enjoy! If you have any feedback, questions, or requests - send me an email here!
And if you share on social be sure to use
#yogawithsalty and tag me @sunburntandsalty!!

We can come together in solidarity through our self-isolation, and I’m grateful for this wild virtual world that’s allowing us all to stay connected through these truly strange & lonesome times. Recording these yoga classes have been helping me cope with the extreme changes & challenges that I, like many, are experiencing. I’m grateful for this outlet and I’m grateful for you. Hope you are well.


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