myofascial release

15min. Mindful Movement Break: MFR + Yoga using the Wall

15min. Mindful Movement Break: MFR + Yoga using the Wall

A 15-minute, mindful movement break that incorporates myofascial release (MFR) with an accessible, standing ‘Sun Salutation’ flow using the support of a wall. This practice is great to use anytime, especially to help break up your work day. Enjoy!

30min. Yoga for Athletes: Active Recovery Flow

30min. Yoga for Athletes: Active Recovery Flow

A 30-minute Active Recovery Yoga class designed to support the downshift into recovery mode. This class is nice to move through right after a workout, training session, or long surf. It could also be helpful post-run and for cyclists, mountain bikers, or anyone at the end of a long day.

Practice Notes: Tips + Techniques for Healthy, Happy Knees

Practice Notes: Tips + Techniques for Healthy, Happy Knees

Healthy knees are crucial for our mobility as they help carry the weight of our body & also absorb shock from walking, running, jumping, and surfing. Check out my top tips for maintaining healthy, happy knees!

Nourish Your Roots: MFR for the Feet

Nourish Your Roots: MFR for the Feet

How often do you think about your feet?? Maybe some more than others, but let’s take a moment to focus on ‘em. After all, our feet help to ground us and carry us through the world. Check out my go-to sequence of grounding acupressure + MFR that helps to nourish those roots!

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

Self-Love: Foam Roller Routine for Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back

A quick (5 min.) MFR sequence using a foam roller to keep your shoulders, chest, and upper back feeling good. This one is so versatile and nice to use as pre-surf prep, for post-surf recovery, or just as a movement break during your work day.

Swell-Bender?? MFR for When You're Surfed Out

Swell-Bender?? MFR for When You're Surfed Out

The Swell-Bender Edition: Self-Massage (MFR) to encourage recovery and rejuvenation when you’re wrecked. So whether you’re currently indulging in an abundance of swell or maybe in anticipation of that surfed-out sensation, bookmark this quick & effective sequence.

Self-Care Club: 7 Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System

Self-Care Club: 7 Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System

Here I share 7 techniques to downshift and regulate your nervous system so that you can reconnect, recalibrate, and recharge. Especially helpful if you are feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, or stressed out.

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

As a part of the Healthy Living Challenge that I’m co-hosting with RAD, we’re encouraging everyone (myself included) to drink 80oz. of water each day. The other two parts of the challenge, mobility + exercise, are both already solid pillars of my daily routine. But the drinking enough water part?? Well, that’s the area I struggle in. So here are my 3 tips to help you drink more.

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Great for surfers, overhead athletes, as well as ALL human beings — because in life we use our arms a lot! So, grab a yoga block and follow along. Save for later and repeat, repeat, repeat! These techniques are great to go through before you paddle out for a surf or before a yoga or training session. They can also be used after to support recovery!

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools!

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

For this month’s wellness workshop we will be exploring myofascial release (MFR) techniques and gentle movement to support a supple and healthy spine. This workshop will benefit every body: Whether you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk during the week or put in hours working over your garden bed… Surfers and athletes will of course benefit from these techniques too!

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Did you know that you can practice with me anytime online over on The Salty Club App? Well if you don’t know, now you know! And I highly recommend checking out this incredible surf-inspired platform, if you haven’t already…

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self care and MFR have been synonymous for me these days. MFR is great to add into a self-care routine because it doesn’t take much time, and you don’t really need a whole lot of space or many tools… But, if you wanted to invest in some high-quality MFR tools to add to your self-care tool kit, then here I share three I can’t live without.

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

It’s a New Year and life is still kinda weird so why not go ahead and switch things up a little bit!? I’m really excited about this new weekly schedule that features 3 different group classes: Flow, Yin + MFR, and NEW Sculpt Yoga. Classes are offered in-person and online. I hope to see you on your mat!

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

This is a 20minute, energizing Breathwork Practice that is really nice to do first thing in the morning to help you wake up your body and to cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind. You could also use this before a yoga practice, a surf, or a training session. We’ll begin with some MFR so grab a towel or a blanket and let’s dive in!

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated playlist of a few of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, swimmers, athletes, and weekend warriors!! You’ll need: two therapy balls (or tennis balls), a yoga block or foam roller, and maybe some pillows & blankets. These techniques are great to do at the end of a long day, or after a long surf or training session. Enjoy!

MFR for Deep Breathing: No Props Needed!

MFR for Deep Breathing: No Props Needed!

One of my favorites and definitely most used!! This is a nice way to start the day and a GREAT technique for pre–yoga / breathwork / training / surfing / and of course, I gotta think about all my free-diving friends! This technique focuses on the intercostal muscles between the ribs and you don’t need any props - sólo tús manos - so you can practice it anywhere.

Always Adapting: MFR for Surfers on The Salty Club!

Always Adapting: MFR for Surfers on The Salty Club!

Let’s explore fascial health and the role it plays in how we move through our daily life. I began incorporating myofascial release into my self-care routine a little over a year ago and it has been a game changer - not only for my yoga practice, surfing & cross-training recovery - but also in how I feel and connect with my body. I’m stoked to share a 2-part MFR for Surfers Series that I recorded for the rad crew at The Salty Club!

At-Home Yoga: 5 Easy, DIY Yoga Props that You Can Recreate at Home

At-Home Yoga: 5 Easy, DIY Yoga Props that You Can Recreate at Home

I am a BIG fan of using props in both my personal practice and in the classes that I teach. But with current times - classes transitioning to online, at-home, and bring your own props - it can be easy to miss the yoga studio experience. So here I share 5 easy, DIY yoga props that you can recreate at home!!

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

A cue that’s commonly heard in many a yoga class is: “Relax the shoulders away from the ears.” It’s like as a collective we hold tension in the neck & upper back. Relieve tension and stiffness, ease pain, and encourage tissue health and hydration with this myofascial release (MFR) technique that targets the tissues of the upper traps. You’ll need 2 therapy balls and a yoga block.