wellness blog

Simple. But not always easy.

Simple. But not always easy.

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes simple can be easy. And that's great. And sometimes there is a place for complexity as well. But the simple, the simple is available. Accessible. And when noticed and practiced regularly, the simple can support us in coming back to center. Back to what's true.

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

While the “Make a Wave” challenge was more about raising awareness and donations for the SurfAid Programs, I also ended up learning a few things about myself, and life, from attempting to surf for 30 days straight.

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Let’s talk story: You may have heard this one before, but if you didn’t know, I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. Yoga didn’t come into my life until I was 21. The night of my 21st birthday I was out celebrating with friends…

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

Here’s to finding more of those moments of stillness sprinkled within the movement. Because like the ocean, life is rarely ever completely still…

Self-Care Club: My Go-To Practices for Managing Anxiety

Self-Care Club: My Go-To Practices for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is something that has been present throughout the majority of my life. It’s shown up in a variety of forms and ways over the span of my relatively short lifetime, and it wasn’t until fairly recently that I’ve begun to acknowledge it, accept it, and work with it, instead of working against it. Here are my 3 go-to practices for managing my anxiety.

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

As a part of the Healthy Living Challenge that I’m co-hosting with RAD, we’re encouraging everyone (myself included) to drink 80oz. of water each day. The other two parts of the challenge, mobility + exercise, are both already solid pillars of my daily routine. But the drinking enough water part?? Well, that’s the area I struggle in. So here are my 3 tips to help you drink more.

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Proprioception is a big word that refers to our ability to sense our body as it moves through space. Essentially, it’s body awareness, and it’s mostly subconscious as it’s happening all the time. And while there are many factors that can influence our proprioception, I find it helpful to also think of it as a skill that can be consciously strengthened…

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

A big part of surfing is learning to navigate the ever-changing and often unpredictable lineup. Similar to life, the ocean and her waves are influenced by many different factors, most of them being totally out of our control. And as surfers, we learn that the key to navigating these often tricky lineups is to stay present and remain calm.

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Did you know that you can practice with me anytime online over on The Salty Club App? Well if you don’t know, now you know! And I highly recommend checking out this incredible surf-inspired platform, if you haven’t already…

March Wellness Workshop: Restorative Yoga + Essential Oils

March Wellness Workshop: Restorative Yoga + Essential Oils

Wellness is a multi-dimensional practice and there are many tools and techniques to support you along your journey. And that’s why I’m so excited for this month’s wellness workshop as it will be a collaborative event between myself and my dear friend, essential oils expert Vanessa Noll.

Journal Prompts for Monthly Reflection + Goal Setting

Journal Prompts for Monthly Reflection + Goal Setting

Taking the time to reflect and to set goals helps me to cultivate a clear and intentional path for navigating my day-to-day. If journaling is new to you and you’re looking for a place to start, or if you’re just looking for a little inspiration, here I share five journal prompts for monthly reflection and goal setting.

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Upper Body

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Upper Body

As promised from my previous Practice Notes, here are some of my favorite Child’s Pose variations for a little upper-body unraveling! These shapes are super yummy for the shoulders, chest, and upper back. Enjoy!

New Playlist: Just Get Moving (60min)

New Playlist: Just Get Moving (60min)

A 60minute Spotify playlist that’s nice for practice, movement, or general listening. This one’s called “Just Get Moving” because I like to use it for Sculpt Yoga classes or a more vigorous Vinyasa Flow. I find it supports a more grounding yoga practice as well, especially if you like to use energy + movement to help bring you into stillness + surrender. Enjoy!

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self care and MFR have been synonymous for me these days. MFR is great to add into a self-care routine because it doesn’t take much time, and you don’t really need a whole lot of space or many tools… But, if you wanted to invest in some high-quality MFR tools to add to your self-care tool kit, then here I share three I can’t live without.

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Child’s Pose. It’s one of those poses that just feels good. And the beauty of this pose, like all of the other poses we move through on our mats, is that we can make subtle adjustments within the shape that can totally change the intention and sensation of the shape…

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

Needless to say, 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, affecting humans all across the globe. But I believe that challenges eventually pave way to solid foundations, growth, and expansion. So I thought it would be nice to compile, and share, a list of lessons that 2020 has taught me, and this is what came to mind…

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Unlike its ‘yang’ counterpart (the beloved Vinyasa flow), Yin yoga is a practice that focuses more on stillness and introspection. Here I share 6 poses that can be strung together for a 30-minute Yin Yoga sequence to help you unravel tension in the shoulders and the hips — Great for surfers, athletes, weekend warriors, and everyone in between!

3 Tips to Boost Your Immune System — For this Season, and many more to come!

3 Tips to Boost Your Immune System — For this Season, and many more to come!

As we find ourselves stepping into what we commonly refer to as “flu season,” still bobbing and weaving our way through a pandemic, there’s a lot of talk around boosting our immune systems, and for obvious and very good reasons. But a strong immune response isn’t just critical now, it’s crucial for keeping us healthy and resilient throughout every season of our life.

Reflections from a Month on the Mat with YMO

Reflections from a Month on the Mat with YMO

There’s no denying that a regular mindfulness practice holds this capacity to make you feel good. But, just as in life, the practice ebbs and flows. Although, it’s comforting to know that it’s always there for us to return to anytime we need it. Yesterday marked the final day of the #MonthontheMat challenge with Yoga Medicine Online and I’m grateful for my YM teachers that hold space for me, for us all, to just show up as we are…

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

This is a 20minute, energizing Breathwork Practice that is really nice to do first thing in the morning to help you wake up your body and to cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind. You could also use this before a yoga practice, a surf, or a training session. We’ll begin with some MFR so grab a towel or a blanket and let’s dive in!