Lessons from Flat Spells

As surfers, we have a whole lotta faith. Really, we do. 

No matter where you live in the world, as a surfer, we all go through the inevitable flat spells. Days can turn into weeks… Weeks can sometimes turn into months... And some years are just all around lack luster where the weather patterns never really seem to line up. And, even if the ocean isn’t flat, or even when the waves look fun, life happens and responsibilities happen, and sometimes the surf and top priorities just happen to fall on the same day.

And, unless you are a pro surfer with a budget to travel the world and chase swells, for us blue-collar surfers who frequent our local breaks and surf around our daily life responsibilities, we have learned to always have faith that more waves will come.

And what a beautiful perspective to have. 

This current flat spell in Rincon has obviously got me thinking… and writing and sharing… So, I began to wonder: What if we began to adopt this kind of unwavering faith into our everyday life?? 

When we go through our inevitable flat spells of life - when things feel stagnant or boring or maybe a bit challenging or uncomfortable or we don’t know what to do - can we maintain that unwavering faith that a new swell will show up and the waves will roll in?? Can we trust that the fun and excitement and opportunities and growth will soon eventually come?? 

This is something that I’m trying to weave into my daily life - literally, since it’s been flat for what feels like weeks now, as well as figuratively, meaning how I navigate the natural and very much uncontrollable ebbs and flows of life.

It’s not always easy, and it’s not always fun, and it's totally normal to feel a little bit bummed, but I think what this can teach us is that it’s essential to let go and lean into trust. Waves come and waves go, and I think we can agree that if we miss a swell or if it feels like it’s been flat foreverrrr, we have to remain faithful that the waves will most definitely, eventually come our way <3