Always Adapting: MFR for Surfers on The Salty Club!

Our bodies are constantly remodeling and adapting to the stress & demands that are placed upon them daily.

And while the word ‘stress’ may carry a bit of a negative overtone (and yes, mental/emotional stress most def. takes a toll on the physical body) we can also think of ‘stress‘ as our cross training, surfing, even yoga practice, or maybe we carry a heavy bag (or a kid) around most days, or our work requires us to sit for hours at a time...

A lot of this adaptability is due to our fascia, a living matrix of connective tissue found head to toe. You can think of the fascia as a type of tension system, (again, not tension in a necessarily negative way) a “soft-tissue scaffolding” that plays a big role in how we hold ourselves, how we move, and how we feel.

Repetitive movements and postural habits (from life, work, hobby, sports...) can create thickening or adhesions in the fascia. Our bodies do this to reinforce stability & protect the joints - it’s a good thing! But if not managed, that thickening can lead to limited range of motion (ROM), irritation, and inflammation... Nerves and veins can also get impinged!!

I began incorporating myofascial release (aka MFR or self-massage) into my self-care routine a little over a year ago and it has been a game changer - not only for my yoga practice, surfing & cross-training recovery - but also in how I feel and connect with my body.

As I mentioned: Our bodies are highly adaptable, and we can use regular MFR to manage, and in some cases counteract, these daily demands places upon them. Using simple tools & techniques to free up the “sticky,” adhered tissues, we can encourage faster recovery, more efficient movement, healthy ROM, + circulation, communication, and a sense of inner-connection.

I recorded a 2-part MFR Series for the rad community of The Salty Club. The first video - focusing on the neck, shoulders & upper back - was just released yesterday!! Their platform is AMAZING & you can try it for FREE for a week! Give it a go and let me know how it goes!!