On Why It's Good to Get Outside (and Get a Little Sun on Your Skin)

On average, it’s estimated that US adults spend about 90% of their time indoors.

And I don’t know for sure, but I’d imagine that in recent months, this average has likely gone up.

Although, our tendency to spend so much of our time indoors is not something new. Once we enter into school (at what, like 5?) and then the typical (often corporate) work world — we’re kinda forced to spend most of our time inside. Plus, with conveniences like heat/air, TV, and WiFi… we tend to get quite cozy indoors (and I’m guilty as any on this one!).

But, I also think that it’s really important for us, as a collective, to recognize and, more importantly, to utilize the many mental & physical benefits that come from something as simple as stepping out into the sun:

  • Extensive literature supports the benefits of sun exposure on mental health. Time in the sun can increase the production of the “feel-good” chemical serotonin which elevates the mood.

  • A major source of our vitamin D — which supports healthy bones & immune system function — is synthesized from the exposure of the skin to the sunlight (via cholesterol).

  • Exposure to sunlight can also positively influence our circadian rhythm, enhancing our ability to wake up in the morning & wind down at night.

  • There’s even research coming out that links a healthy & diverse microbiome to brief exposure to UV rays — so sunlight could also be beneficial to your digestion (mind-blown!)

But of course, we don’t really need the science to tell us any of this. Personal experience is always the best teacher anyways. You’ve likely felt it: Getting outdoors — whether to exercise or sit & watch or drink your morning coffee/tea — can feel good for both the body and the soul.

So, I hope this inspires you to make a little time each day to get outdoors and get a little sun on your skin! And if you plan to spend a lot of time outside: Don’t forget to wear some eco-friendly & reef-safe sunscreen.

Too much of anything is never a good thing :)