Journal Prompts for Monthly Reflection + Goal Setting

Since the beginning of this year I've been doing my best to document my days and weeks, noting even the smallest "wins" or high moments, as well as acknowledging the struggles, strange moments, and lessons that I've learned. At the end of each month I try to carve out a little time for reflection (which is where I feel like the daily notes help because we have a tendency to forget things, especially those smaller “wins”) and I also like to take the time to set a few fresh goals for the month ahead.

I find that taking the time to reflect and to set goals helps me to cultivate a clear and intentional path for navigating my day-to-day life. With the abundance of distractions present in modern life, I think it’s good to have something to focus on, a metaphorical anchor to keep you grounded, like a shining light to give you a little more direction to guide you along the way.

So if journaling is new to you and you’re looking for a place to start, or if you’re just looking for a little inspiration, here I share 5 journal prompts for monthly reflection and goal setting. ✨

  1. What 3 things/people/moments are you most grateful for over this past month?

    As a way to protect us, our brains have a tendency to focus on and remember the challenges and negative stuff. And while we can learn from challenges, it’s important to be in an abundance/growth mindset when setting goals. Practicing gratitude can help cultivate that state of mind.

  2. What are 3 “wins” or “peaks” from this past month?

    Remember that it’s important to celebrate even the smallest of victories.

  3. What are 1-3 “pits” or “challenges” from this past month and what can you learn from each of these experiences?

    We learn through experiences, and obstacles and challenges are fertile ground for growth. Even if you are still “going through it,” can you shift your perspective to focus on the growth/transformation that will eventually come from the experience?

  4. What are 3 goals for this next month? Can you break these goals down into actionable steps?

    Think about what 3 goals would benefit you the most (in the long run) if you achieved them this month. Then, break those goals down into daily/weekly goals. I find that working “backwards” like this, from a bigger goal to more bite-size goals, helps me to set realistic and intentional goals that keep me on track towards achieving my big dreams.

  5. How do you want to spend your time this month?

    Prioritize your time in a way that not only supports you in achieving your goals but also supports you in recharging and rejuvenating properly so that you can continue to give your all without totally burning out.