MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. 

Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools – Solo tus manos! – so I find them to be quite accessible (like you can even do them while you’re sitting on your surfboard 😉).

So, follow along and give it a go!! And save the video to repeat whenever needed (because when it comes to self-MFR and releasing tension, consistency is key!). And feel free to share with anyone that you think may find this helpful. 

Keep in mind that none of this is meant to be painful. Be gentle with yourself as these muscles and tissues around the neck and shoulders work really hard to support you. So if you do experience any pain (sharp, shooting, radiating) while exploring these techniques, I’d recommend backing off. And if pain persists, I’d also also recommend checking in with your healthcare provider or an experienced body worker or physio.

Let me know how it goes and please feel free to share any questions, feedback or requests for other videos/tutorials by leaving a comment below or sending me an email.