yoga tutorial

Yoga for Humans... That Work at Desks

Yoga for Humans... That Work at Desks

Like many, I’ve found myself working at a desk and over a computer more than I ever have in the past. And, although I really love what I’m doing — so much so that I can get lost in it for hours without taking a break — I also know that my body + my brain don’t really dig all the sitting… And I’ve got to really remind myself to stop and take some movement breaks! Enter Yoga for Humans that work at desks…

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Are your vinyasa flows getting a little too repetitive?? In this Practice Notes I share 5 alternatives for chaturanga to help you bring a little more variety into those vinyasa flows! While our bodies learn through repetition, our bodies also crave variety, and training the shoulders in different ways will only make them stronger and more resilient.

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Do you practice some kind of Vinyasa Yoga? If so, then there’s a chance that you probably move through, or at least hear the teacher call for, a chaturanga or two (or 20!) each time you flow. And whether you love it or could leave it, it’s a pose that can help build strength + confidence, but it’s also a pose that’s all too often rushed through and, sometimes, even feared!

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

In this Practice Notes tutorial, I break down 4 cues to create more support and stability in the shoulders whenever bearing weight on the hands. Not just limited to yoga asana, but this also applies to cross-training and maybe even your sport! Join me as I guide you through the steps.

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools!

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

A cue that’s commonly heard in many a yoga class is: “Relax the shoulders away from the ears.” It’s like as a collective we hold tension in the neck & upper back. Relieve tension and stiffness, ease pain, and encourage tissue health and hydration with this myofascial release (MFR) technique that targets the tissues of the upper traps. You’ll need 2 therapy balls and a yoga block.

MFR Tutorial: Relieve Neck Tension & Tension Headaches (10min.)

MFR Tutorial: Relieve Neck Tension & Tension Headaches (10min.)

One of my personal favorites for releasing tension in my neck, this technique can also be beneficial for those who suffer from tension-related headaches. All you need is a yoga block or a towel/blanket.