yoga in rincon pr

Breathing for Balance: Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril)

Breathing for Balance: Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril)

Get grounded, clear out the clutter, and cultivate a sense of connection, balance, and harmony through this month's featured breathing technique: Nadi shodhana pranayama, also known as alternate nostril breathing.

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

This slow, deliberate, and rhythmic breathing is incredibly efficient at balancing and calming the nervous system, raising heart rate variability, decreasing blood pressure, and boosting mood all while nourishing our bodies, brains, organs, muscles, and cells.

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Just like we can't stop the world from spinning, we also can't stop the passing of time. This moment now will soon be the past and the future will soon become this moment now, so maybe the only way to really sense a slowing down of time is to slow down ourselves.

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Explore one breath practice for you and a partner and one technique to practice with yourself, both intended to cultivate a sense of connection, compassion, appreciation, and love.

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Proprioception is a big word that refers to our ability to sense our body as it moves through space. Essentially, it’s body awareness, and it’s mostly subconscious as it’s happening all the time. And while there are many factors that can influence our proprioception, I find it helpful to also think of it as a skill that can be consciously strengthened…

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Great for surfers, overhead athletes, as well as ALL human beings — because in life we use our arms a lot! So, grab a yoga block and follow along. Save for later and repeat, repeat, repeat! These techniques are great to go through before you paddle out for a surf or before a yoga or training session. They can also be used after to support recovery!

Upcoming Event: B4BC Yoga Fundraiser with Cait

Upcoming Event: B4BC Yoga Fundraiser with Cait

Join Cait for a special yoga class to “be healthy, get active,” and support Boarding 4 Breast Cancer’s (B4BC) mission to prepare young people with education on early detection, to promote the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle as the best means of breast cancer prevention, and to provide survivor support for those affected by breast cancer.

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Do you practice some kind of Vinyasa Yoga? If so, then there’s a chance that you probably move through, or at least hear the teacher call for, a chaturanga or two (or 20!) each time you flow. And whether you love it or could leave it, it’s a pose that can help build strength + confidence, but it’s also a pose that’s all too often rushed through and, sometimes, even feared!

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

In this Practice Notes tutorial, I break down 4 cues to create more support and stability in the shoulders whenever bearing weight on the hands. Not just limited to yoga asana, but this also applies to cross-training and maybe even your sport! Join me as I guide you through the steps.

Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: 3 Ways a Regular Practice Can Support You

Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: 3 Ways a Regular Practice Can Support You

With winter just around the corner, now is the time to start prepping the body and the mind for the first swell of the season. There are many ways in which a regular yoga practice can support your cross-training and surfing, but for me, these are my top 3:

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools!

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

For this month’s wellness workshop we will be exploring myofascial release (MFR) techniques and gentle movement to support a supple and healthy spine. This workshop will benefit every body: Whether you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk during the week or put in hours working over your garden bed… Surfers and athletes will of course benefit from these techniques too!

New Playlist: Just Get Moving (60min)

New Playlist: Just Get Moving (60min)

A 60minute Spotify playlist that’s nice for practice, movement, or general listening. This one’s called “Just Get Moving” because I like to use it for Sculpt Yoga classes or a more vigorous Vinyasa Flow. I find it supports a more grounding yoga practice as well, especially if you like to use energy + movement to help bring you into stillness + surrender. Enjoy!

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Child’s Pose. It’s one of those poses that just feels good. And the beauty of this pose, like all of the other poses we move through on our mats, is that we can make subtle adjustments within the shape that can totally change the intention and sensation of the shape…

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

It’s a New Year and life is still kinda weird so why not go ahead and switch things up a little bit!? I’m really excited about this new weekly schedule that features 3 different group classes: Flow, Yin + MFR, and NEW Sculpt Yoga. Classes are offered in-person and online. I hope to see you on your mat!

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

Needless to say, 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, affecting humans all across the globe. But I believe that challenges eventually pave way to solid foundations, growth, and expansion. So I thought it would be nice to compile, and share, a list of lessons that 2020 has taught me, and this is what came to mind…

New Spotify Playlist: Music for Mindful Movement (60min)

New Spotify Playlist: Music for Mindful Movement (60min)

A new, yoga-inspired Spotify playlist that I put together to encourage an hour-long movement and mindfulness practice. This is a playlist that I use in my group classes and one that I hope inspires you to roll out your mat and take what you need from your practice. Enjoy!!

New Yoga-Inspired Playlist: Sweet Like Honey (60min. Slow Flow)

New Yoga-Inspired Playlist: Sweet Like Honey (60min. Slow Flow)

A new yoga-inspired playlist that encourages sweet, slow, and intentional movement — Perfect to balance out the intense summer heat! Roll out your mat, deepen your breath, maybe do a little MFR, then slow flow like honey. Your body will thank you!

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

Self-Care Club: MFR for the Upper Traps (7min)

A cue that’s commonly heard in many a yoga class is: “Relax the shoulders away from the ears.” It’s like as a collective we hold tension in the neck & upper back. Relieve tension and stiffness, ease pain, and encourage tissue health and hydration with this myofascial release (MFR) technique that targets the tissues of the upper traps. You’ll need 2 therapy balls and a yoga block.

Practice Notes: Why Does Breath-Work Work??

Practice Notes: Why Does Breath-Work Work??

I was first introduced to breath-work through yoga. In recent years, my interest in breath-work has expanded to other techniques and applications. And aside from all of the different breathing practices and theories and techniques, I think we can collectively agree that there lies a little bit of magic in taking a slow, deep breath. It just feels good. But why is that??