surfing blog

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated playlist of a few of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, swimmers, athletes, and weekend warriors!! You’ll need: two therapy balls (or tennis balls), a yoga block or foam roller, and maybe some pillows & blankets. These techniques are great to do at the end of a long day, or after a long surf or training session. Enjoy!

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

Low back pain is unfortunately all too common. Check out this myofascial release (MFR) tutorial to help you release tension, ease pain, and free up some space in the low back so that you can continue to feel good and move well! I highly recommend this as recovery post-surf or sport, or at the end of a long day. You’ll need 2 therapy balls.

Cultivating a Clear, Calm and Focused Mind: A Mindfulness Meditation for Efficiency

Cultivating a Clear, Calm and Focused Mind: A Mindfulness Meditation for Efficiency

As a whole, our modern society is extremely distracted. And if you feel like you constantly have a million tabs open in your head at once (you are NOT alone), try this simple-yet-effective mindfulness technique to help you cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind!

Insight & Opinion: Re-Writing Our Roles in the Story

Insight & Opinion: Re-Writing Our Roles in the Story

“In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is a story of the Earth.” - Rachel Carson. How amazing is it that we get to be a part of this story?? And while our time on this planet is relatively short-lived — the Earth was spinning long before us and will likely continue to spin long after us — I can’t help but think about the small-but-mighty impact our own existence holds.

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. But since I’ve become committed to a regular yoga practice, I’ve definitely noticed that yoga has greatly enhanced my overall surfing experience. Here I outline 6 Yoga Poses to practice regularly to keep you feeling strong and fluid in the water. Enjoy!

Playing with Fire: Transforming Jealousy into Motivation

Playing with Fire: Transforming Jealousy into Motivation

In today's world, comparison and jealousy can show up often and in many different ways. How do we gracefully acknowledge these sparks of jealousy without them igniting a wildfire of self doubt? And how can we use this fire to motivate us and inspire us instead of burning us down? Here are a few simple practices to transform jealousy into unstoppable motivation.