surf blog

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

While the “Make a Wave” challenge was more about raising awareness and donations for the SurfAid Programs, I also ended up learning a few things about myself, and life, from attempting to surf for 30 days straight.

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Let’s talk story: You may have heard this one before, but if you didn’t know, I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. Yoga didn’t come into my life until I was 21. The night of my 21st birthday I was out celebrating with friends…

Featured Writing: Cait in SurfGirl Magazine!

Featured Writing: Cait in SurfGirl Magazine!

I grew up reading surf magazines - they were almost like a Bible to me - with pages tagged and tear-out posters plastered on every wall. As a grom, my dream was to be featured in the pages of those magazines. When I realized that pro surfing was not in the cards for me, my dream shifted to seeing my writing featured on those pages.

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

A big part of surfing is learning to navigate the ever-changing and often unpredictable lineup. Similar to life, the ocean and her waves are influenced by many different factors, most of them being totally out of our control. And as surfers, we learn that the key to navigating these often tricky lineups is to stay present and remain calm.

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated playlist of a few of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, swimmers, athletes, and weekend warriors!! You’ll need: two therapy balls (or tennis balls), a yoga block or foam roller, and maybe some pillows & blankets. These techniques are great to do at the end of a long day, or after a long surf or training session. Enjoy!

As Lineups Get More Crowded: A Little Bit About Surf Etiquette

As Lineups Get More Crowded: A Little Bit About Surf Etiquette

Crowded lineups are relatively unavoidable these days. And we all get it, yea!? Surfing is awesome!! But, much like the ‘rules of the road,’ the unwritten but very much accepted ‘rules of surf etiquette’ are there to ensure everyone’s safety, as well as to help create some order to make sure that everyone gets their fair share of rides. So here are 6 tips that I think are most important to know.

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

Our ability to notice 'on the mat' fine tunes our ability to notice 'off the mat.' If our practice stays limited to the confines of our yoga mat, then it is not really yoga. As our practice reminds us, we can learn so much when we give ourselves permission to get quiet and to notice... So why wouldn't we want to apply this to the external world??

Diversity in Surfing: Perspectives to Listen to & Organizations to Support

Diversity in Surfing: Perspectives to Listen to & Organizations to Support

On the topic of diversity in surfing, here are some perspectives to listen to and some organizations to support. Let’s make sure our new normal is one that’s rooted in equity, equality, and celebrating the beauty of diversity. PC: Javier Gil

Insight & Opinion: Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling

Insight & Opinion: Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling

The saying “only a surfer knows the feeling” has never held more weight than right now. From an outside perspective, surfing can appear as an obsession, or just another form of physical exercise, or a way to spend time in nature. And while surfing is those things, for many of us, surfing is also so much more… For many, it’s a cure.

Lessons from Flat Spells

Lessons from Flat Spells

As surfers, we have a whole lotta faith. Really, we do. No matter where you live in the world, as a surfer, we all go through the inevitable flat spells. And, unless you’re a pro with a travel budget, for us who frequent our local breaks and surf around our daily life responsibilities, we have learned to always have faith that more waves will come. And what a beautiful perspective to have…

Practice Notes: Why Does Breath-Work Work??

Practice Notes: Why Does Breath-Work Work??

I was first introduced to breath-work through yoga. In recent years, my interest in breath-work has expanded to other techniques and applications. And aside from all of the different breathing practices and theories and techniques, I think we can collectively agree that there lies a little bit of magic in taking a slow, deep breath. It just feels good. But why is that??

Travel Journal: Bali, Lombok & West Sumbawa

Travel Journal: Bali, Lombok & West Sumbawa

Taking full advantage of jet-lag and rainy days, and recommitting to regularly posting authentic content to this Journal page! Plus, I kinda wish I had done this on our previous trips while the memories and sensations were still fresh in the brain… Click through to take a look into our recent trip to Indonesia!

Yoga for Surfers: 3 Post-Surf Poses for the Shoulders

Yoga for Surfers: 3 Post-Surf Poses for the Shoulders

Maybe you just had a marathon of a surf session, or maybe it’s just been a while since you’ve paddled that much… And hey, this stuff even works if you’ve been mind-surfing from your desk all day… Whatever the case, I’ve outline three simple yoga poses to help relieve stiffness in your shoulders.

Don't Stop Paddling

Don't Stop Paddling

Paddling: A major part of the surfing process, and a major factor in life. Maybe sounds like a far stretch, but hear me out on this one…

Practice Notes: The 4-7-8 Breath

Practice Notes: The 4-7-8 Breath

A powerful practice does not need to be complicated or lengthy. In fact, sometimes the most seemingly simple practices can prove to be the most effective. Here I share a simple and effective breathing technique that I’ve been incorporating into my daily practice!

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

For many surfers, surfing is a lifelong sport. One in which there is no final destination, no finish line to cross. Even as average, working class surfers (as I like to refer to myself) we get locked into this obsession of always wanting to take our surfing one step further. So, if you’re a bit like me, and looking for a few ways to help improve your surfing and up your fun factor out in the water, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow list here!

10 THINGS I've Learned From My Time in Bali

10 THINGS I've Learned From My Time in Bali

Like everywhere in the world, Bali has its fair share of issues, downfalls, and straight up ugly sides. But, for me at least, the positives greatly outweigh the negatives, and I credit this little slice of paradise to teaching me some extremely valuable life lessons, lessons that seem to be deeply rooted in the people, the culture, and the sacred lands and waters found on, in, and around the Island of the Gods…