surf realization

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

Making A Wave: 3 Takeaways from Attempting to Surf for 30 Days in a Row

While the “Make a Wave” challenge was more about raising awareness and donations for the SurfAid Programs, I also ended up learning a few things about myself, and life, from attempting to surf for 30 days straight.

Exploring the Edge: Yoga, Surfing, Life

Exploring the Edge: Yoga, Surfing, Life

Death reminds us of the impermanence of life. It's not that we necessarily forget, death just has a way of bringing it back into perspective. As cliche as it sounds, it reminds us that tomorrow’s never promised & all we really have is now.

A Hint of Salt: Practice, Patience, and Dedication

A Hint of Salt: Practice, Patience, and Dedication

As cliche as it sounds, our yoga & surfing practices often remind us of this truth that extends far beyond our surfboards or our yoga mats: The destination is in the journey, the practice is in the process. And if we can focus on what’s in front of us now, we can open ourselves up to the possibility of what’s next.

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Let’s talk story: You may have heard this one before, but if you didn’t know, I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. Yoga didn’t come into my life until I was 21. The night of my 21st birthday I was out celebrating with friends…

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

A big part of surfing is learning to navigate the ever-changing and often unpredictable lineup. Similar to life, the ocean and her waves are influenced by many different factors, most of them being totally out of our control. And as surfers, we learn that the key to navigating these often tricky lineups is to stay present and remain calm.

Lessons from Flat Spells

Lessons from Flat Spells

As surfers, we have a whole lotta faith. Really, we do. No matter where you live in the world, as a surfer, we all go through the inevitable flat spells. And, unless you’re a pro with a travel budget, for us who frequent our local breaks and surf around our daily life responsibilities, we have learned to always have faith that more waves will come. And what a beautiful perspective to have…

Don't Stop Paddling

Don't Stop Paddling

Paddling: A major part of the surfing process, and a major factor in life. Maybe sounds like a far stretch, but hear me out on this one…