
Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. But since I’ve become committed to a regular yoga practice, I’ve definitely noticed that yoga has greatly enhanced my overall surfing experience. Here I outline 6 Yoga Poses to practice regularly to keep you feeling strong and fluid in the water. Enjoy!

Lessons from Flat Spells

Lessons from Flat Spells

As surfers, we have a whole lotta faith. Really, we do. No matter where you live in the world, as a surfer, we all go through the inevitable flat spells. And, unless you’re a pro with a travel budget, for us who frequent our local breaks and surf around our daily life responsibilities, we have learned to always have faith that more waves will come. And what a beautiful perspective to have…

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

For many surfers, surfing is a lifelong sport. One in which there is no final destination, no finish line to cross. Even as average, working class surfers (as I like to refer to myself) we get locked into this obsession of always wanting to take our surfing one step further. So, if you’re a bit like me, and looking for a few ways to help improve your surfing and up your fun factor out in the water, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow list here!

WE ARE THE OCEAN: Inspired by the Massive Waves sent to PR by Winter Storm Riley

WE ARE THE OCEAN: Inspired by the Massive Waves sent to PR by Winter Storm Riley

Why are we so drawn to the ocean? Maybe it's because we are all, in some way, so much like her. Full of different moods, energies, a force of nature that is just as strong as it is soft.



Take a look into our week spent surfing and exploring life in the jungle of G-Land. A place I grew up reading about and watching on movies. A place I never though I'd get the opportunity to experience.