a hint of salt

Simple. But not always easy.

Simple. But not always easy.

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes simple can be easy. And that's great. And sometimes there is a place for complexity as well. But the simple, the simple is available. Accessible. And when noticed and practiced regularly, the simple can support us in coming back to center. Back to what's true.

A Hint of Salt: Reflections on Travel & Coming Home

A Hint of Salt: Reflections on Travel & Coming Home

Traveling, for me, always tends to bring with it bursts of inspiration and creativity and a heightened sense of connection to myself & the world around me. The challenge tends to be carrying this inspiration and connectivity with me as I begin treading down those familiar roads of routine that make up the map of regular, everyday living. 

A Hint of Salt: Slowing Down + Paying Attention

A Hint of Salt: Slowing Down + Paying Attention

To be honest, I'm kind of over hearing about how “time is just flying by,” I'm sick of saying it, too. Because really, all that means is that life is flying by, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to rush that sh*t. I mean, don’t we all know what's waiting for us at the finish line?

A Hint of Salt: Embodying Effortless Effort (Flow State)

A Hint of Salt: Embodying Effortless Effort (Flow State)

In positive psychology, “flow state,” sometimes referred to as “being in the zone,” is defined as “the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.” 

A Hint of Salt: The Strength to Keep Showing Up

A Hint of Salt: The Strength to Keep Showing Up

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” The showing up is the pathway, and just like in yoga, it doesn't really matter how we show up, it just matters that we do. Because each & every time we show up we learn something new.

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Deeply Involved, Less Attached: Root Down to Rise

Just like we can't stop the world from spinning, we also can't stop the passing of time. This moment now will soon be the past and the future will soon become this moment now, so maybe the only way to really sense a slowing down of time is to slow down ourselves.

Human Connection: Like Islands in the Sea...

Human Connection: Like Islands in the Sea...

The practice of yoga not only holds this capacity to reconnect us with our selves, but it also carries this potential to reconnect us with our humanity — the common thread that binds us all. Relearning, over and over again, what it means to be human...

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Explore one breath practice for you and a partner and one technique to practice with yourself, both intended to cultivate a sense of connection, compassion, appreciation, and love.

A Note for the Wellness World: We're Only Human

A Note for the Wellness World: We're Only Human

As humans, we are not just one way or another. In fact, we can be and it’s OK to be a living contradiction. Why?! Because we change. We adapt. We learn and we unlearn and we shed many skins over the course of a lifetime. And these layers of feelings and emotions just give life that much more depth.

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Talk Story: Surfing, Yoga, and Mirrors of Life

Let’s talk story: You may have heard this one before, but if you didn’t know, I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. Yoga didn’t come into my life until I was 21. The night of my 21st birthday I was out celebrating with friends…

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

Here’s to finding more of those moments of stillness sprinkled within the movement. Because like the ocean, life is rarely ever completely still…

Cultivating a Clear, Calm and Focused Mind: A Mindfulness Meditation for Efficiency

Cultivating a Clear, Calm and Focused Mind: A Mindfulness Meditation for Efficiency

As a whole, our modern society is extremely distracted. And if you feel like you constantly have a million tabs open in your head at once (you are NOT alone), try this simple-yet-effective mindfulness technique to help you cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind!

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

Our ability to notice 'on the mat' fine tunes our ability to notice 'off the mat.' If our practice stays limited to the confines of our yoga mat, then it is not really yoga. As our practice reminds us, we can learn so much when we give ourselves permission to get quiet and to notice... So why wouldn't we want to apply this to the external world??

7 Tips for Creating (and Sticking With) a Home Yoga Practice

7 Tips for Creating (and Sticking With) a Home Yoga Practice

For the time being, life mostly occurs at home. Work, workouts, yoga, school, food, happy hour… it seems like most of the world is under this stay-at-home order. So as we all do our best to adapt to our current reality of studio closures and social distancing, I’ve shared 7 tips that I’ve found helpful for creating and committing to a home yoga practice.

Yoga with Salty: New Weekly Class + Online Yoga Updates

Yoga with Salty: New Weekly Class + Online Yoga Updates

As we continue to adapt to these times, I wanted to post a quick update about my online yoga offerings. I will now be offering a weekly class via Facebook Live and am planning a few specialty classes and workshops for IG Live. Even though we can’t practice together in person, at least we can still practice together virtually!

Manifesting Magic: Journal Prompts for New Year's Clarity

Manifesting Magic: Journal Prompts for New Year's Clarity

Asking yourself questions and writing down the answers is an effective way to make sense of the jumbled thoughts of the mind. Here are a few journal prompts to help you gain clarity around what you want to focus on or create in the New Year.

Don't Stop Paddling

Don't Stop Paddling

Paddling: A major part of the surfing process, and a major factor in life. Maybe sounds like a far stretch, but hear me out on this one…

Playing with Fire: Transforming Jealousy into Motivation

Playing with Fire: Transforming Jealousy into Motivation

In today's world, comparison and jealousy can show up often and in many different ways. How do we gracefully acknowledge these sparks of jealousy without them igniting a wildfire of self doubt? And how can we use this fire to motivate us and inspire us instead of burning us down? Here are a few simple practices to transform jealousy into unstoppable motivation.

Soul Movement & a 70's Single Fin

Soul Movement & a 70's Single Fin

I recently acquired my dad’s old single fin, a 6’10” Natural Art shaped by Greg Loehr sometime in the 70s. I’ve found that I really love the feeling of drawing different lines and learning something new. It’s been a humbling experience to say the least, and I still have a long way to go…