Strange Times: 11 Ways to Stay Productive & Positive While Self-Quarantined

Around the world right now, TIMES ARE STRANGE.

And with COVID-19 a pandemic, many countries and states are implementing, or already under, strict lock-downs and restrictions.

Here in Puerto Rico, we are currently under a strict lock-down with a curfew and requirement for all non-essential businesses to be closed. As of right now, leaving your house for anything other than food, water, medical, or family emergency is illegal. It’s also illegal to surf or go to the beach, with threats of a $5,000 fine or up to 6 months in jail.

It’s day 2 of this quarantine, and during a time of year where I am normally the busiest, my schedule has come to a screeching halt. Now I find myself with really nothing to do.

And nothing to do can be dangerous for both the body and the mind.

And although I support the governor’s decision to implement this strict lock-down - the healthcare system here COULD NOT handle an outbreak and there is a large elderly population that could be severely effected, plus this island has barely had time to catch it’s breath since Hurricane Maria, corrupt politics, school closures, earthquakes, etc. - I know that I must stay both productive and positive in order to stay sane.

Because we will get through this, ya’ll.

It’s only temporary and not forever. Let’s vow to take it one day at a time, and please feel free to use the list and references below to keep the productivity and the positivity high whenever you’re feeling bored, worried, overwhelmed, or anxious. I find that

  1. Breathe deep.

    Deep breaths are the easiest way to calm a restless mind and a frazzled nervous system. There are many breathing practices and techniques that can be practiced anywhere at anytime.

    Here is an older post where I outline the calming 4-7-8 Breathing Pattern, and another one where I explore why Breath-Work Works. I will also be sharing more breathing practices over the next 2 weeks here on my website and on my Instagram!

  2. Journal.

    Commit to a daily gratitude list. Or give yourself permission to word vomit - aka just write whatever is on your mind without worry that anyone will read it - tear it up, burn it, throw it away when you’re done - it feels good!

    A simple Google search could also lead you to some fun or introspective journal/writing prompts, and I’ve also just started using the Bloom App for daily affirmations, empowerment pep-talks, and introspective journal prompts. I’ll be posting a review of the App on my IG Stories soon!

  3. Move your body.

    Move through a few Sun Salutations each day, or practice yoga online via one of the many outlets. I know the same goes for fitness apps as well - there are many!!! And there are also so many classes/workouts that require little to no equipment as well, so no excuses!

    While there’s a tendency to cuddle up on the couch and watch all of the Netflix shows during this quarantine, don’t forget to take time to move your body too! Get the heart rate up, the blood circulating, and get those feel-good endorphins pumping through your body. I find that the easiest way to get out of my head and to boost my mood is to move my body.

    I have to mention that I’m grateful that my coaches at Rincon Fitness Center has continued to share daily workouts online!! Everyone’s recording and sharing their workouts and it really creates a sense of community when we can’t all be working out together.

  4. Meditate. Every day.

    While it’s important to take care of your physical body, it’s also important to take care of your mind. Especially when you find yourself feeling bored, with nothing to do, or if you’re stressed or anxious or overwhelmed with uncertainty.

    Our mind can be our best friend or, if we allow it, our worst enemy. Make friends with your mind, it’s a powerful thing. Let this social distancing be a time for powerful introspection. I’ve been using the Waking Up App by Sam Harris for daily guided meditations and I absolutely love it!

  5. Read a book.

    Because if you’re anything like me, I know you’ve got a stack of them laying around that you just never seem to have the time to read. Well, now’s the time! Stop scrolling and start reading. Reading is not only soothing for the mind, but a nice activity to help take your mind off of everything that’s going on.

  6. Learn something new.

    We’ve got a wealth of information at our fingertips thanks to the Internet, so take this time to investigate and learn about the things that interest you!!

    Maybe pick up the guitar that’s been sitting in the corner of your room collecting dust and learn a few chords or a new song. I’m sure there are some pencils or pens or makers or paints you could get all Bob Ross with - beauty is everywhere!

    And now is the perfect time to start learning a new language, or to dive into the healing properties of crystals and oils, or to practice your handstands, or tend to your yard, or train your dog, or whatever it is you’ve been putting off.

  7. Catch up with friends and/or family.

    I probably should have made this number one: Check in with friends and family through text messages, phone calls, and Facetime. I am personally very guilty of using the excuse, “Sorry I haven’t called, texted, caught up with you… I’ve just been so busy!”. I use it wayyy too often and that excuse is officially bullshit for the next two weeks (and forever), because even though we are forced to (& should) social-distance and self-quarantine, we humans need connection. And being isolated can be really hard for many. Use this time to catch up and check in with people that you love, safely, from a distance.

    Make it a goal to catch up with at least one person each day.

  8. Get some sunshine on your skin.

    Even though we are “stuck inside,” try to make it a goal to sit outside for at least 15-20 minutes each day. If you can, try to get your bare feet planted somewhere on the earth, even that small patch of grass near your apartment. While we must distance ourselves and self-quarantine, a little time spent in the sunshine, and connected to nature, is just downright good for your soul.

  9. Spring clean!!

    Organize that drawer or cabinet you stuff everything in to. Clean out your closet. Deep clean your house. Sage or light incense daily as a way to purify the air and clear your energetic space. I find that a cluttered space makes my mind feel anxious and cluttered, and a clean space usually helps my mind to settle and calm down. Plus, ya got the time, so…. Why not??

  10. Create some routine.

    Routines are comforting, and if your world has all of a sudden been flipped upside down due to no work, or working from home, or self-quarantine and isolation, do yourself a favor right now and create some kind of schedule or routine to follow.

    Need help?? Make a list of the productive and positive things you want to do or focus your attention on over these next two weeks. If it helps you, make a daily schedule to help you stay committed and on track.

    For example, this is a routine I’d like to follow during this quarantine:

    -Wake up, drink coffee and journal.

    -Yoga asana, breath work, and meditation.

    -Eat breakfast and enjoy it.

    -Continue online anatomy course, write articles, record yoga + MFR classes.

    -Prepare lunch, take my time eating and enjoying it.

    -Write more, record more, read or call a friend or family.

    -Get my body moving again.

    -Watch sunset, drink a beer, start prepping dinner.

    -Eat dinner, Netflix, and bed.

    11. Practice making daily acts sacred.

    Preparing food, eating, drinking coffee, washing dishes, doing laundry - all of those things that can feel inconvenient during our busy day-to-day life, well now that we have the time, why don’t we take the time to slow down and enjoy it??

    After all, maybe this is all here to serve as a reminder that life is not about reaching the finish line (we’ll all get there eventually, when it’s our time) but instead, it’s about enjoying this time we have together to be alive.

    How else are you staying productive, positive, and present?? I’d love to hear!
    Share with me in a comment below

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