Fresh Year Perspective: Journal Prompts

We are officially one week into 2023!

How has your first week of the year been??

While the New Year is a great time to set goals or intentions, as it always feels like a bit of a fresh start, life is also never linear and I think it’s important to remember that we each hold the power to pause, reflect, and begin again whenever we need to clean the slate, recenter, or refocus our attention.

The journal prompts I share below can be helpful tools for reflection and recalibration. Take as much time as you need and allow yourself to be as descriptive as possible! Not only is this helpful to reflect in the moment and write them out, but I also encourage you to keep this somewhere (like in your daily journal) where you can regularly revisit your responses, re-read them or re-write them, anytime you feel like you need a boost of motivation or to refocus your attention or to recenter yourself.


  1. What are 3 experiences, people, or things that you’re grateful for over this past year?

  2. What are 3 things you’ve learned or accomplished over this past year?

  3. Make a list of 1-3 goals or intentions for each category:

    • Personal (For You)

    • Health + Wellness

    • Relationships

    • Duties / Career / Responsibilities

  4. If you had total permission to be yourself, what would you do? Who would you be? What would you experience?

  5. What might be the intersection points between your gifts (what you’re good at), your passions (what you love), and what you believe the world needs?