Swell-Bender?? MFR for When You're Surfed Out

Inspired by our recent month of non-stop surf…

The Swell-Bender Edition: Self-Massage (MFR) to encourage recovery and rejuvenation when you’re feeling wrecked. So whether you’re currently indulging in an abundance of swell or maybe in anticipation of that surfed-out sensation, bookmark this quick & effective sequence that will help to rejuvenate your hard-working tissues and leave you feeling ready to paddle out for your next session.

Props: All you’ll need is a yoga block or a foam roller. You could also roll up a thick beach towel as a makeshift roller.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Sequence: Aim for at least 1 minute in each shape.


1) MFR for Suboccipitals

Lie on your back and bring the base of your skull to rest on the edge of your block or roller. Notice that your neck is hanging off of your prop. Keep your he1.ad heavy and explore gently rolling your head side to side or “drawing” infinity signs with your nose.


2) MFR for Lats & Pecs

Come to lie on your side and bring your armpit over your props so that your elbow can rest comfortably on the floor. Your head can rest in your hand. Keep your ribs heavy as you gently rock front to back, working between the tissues in the front of your shoulder (pecs) and the back of your shoulder (lats). Don’t forget to do the 2nd side!

3) Supported Bridge Pose (w/ Legs Up variation)

Rest your hips on top of your prop. Notice that your low back is hanging off of the prop. Your hips should feel supported here! You can stay here with your feet on the floor, explore bringing your knees into your chest & using the prop to gently massage the back of your hips, or maybe check out sending your legs up for Waterfall Pose.


4) Constructive Rest

Rest on your back with your feet wide and knees leaning against one another. Take a few slow, deep breaths into your belly. Allow yourself to relax here.

Remember that recovery is preparation for your next session!