Human Connection: Like Islands in the Sea...

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” 〰️ William James

The practice of yoga not only holds this capacity to reconnect us with our selves, but it also carried this potential to reconnect us with our humanity — the common thread that binds us all. Relearning, over and over again, what it means to be human and our role within the world.

Beautiful, messy, perfectly imperfect. As similar as we are different.

Walking… Maybe better yet, carving our own individual paths. Carrying with us our own unique perspectives. Our personal choices and decisions, in one way or another, also having an impact on those around us.

The continuous cycle of giving and receiving.
Human beings.
Humans being.

Soften into vulnerability. Remember that while essential to learn & lean into the ability to stand strong & support ourselves, it’s also just as essential to learn & lean into that support from others.

One not anymore important than the other. The two together, in harmony, simply necessary for fostering the whole.