health blog

On a Personal Note: A Few Things I Learned From My 30-to-31 Detox

On a Personal Note: A Few Things I Learned From My 30-to-31 Detox

As some of you know, or maybe you weren’t aware, I committed myself to a 30-day detox program leading up to my 31st birthday, which was this past Friday the 25th. Surprisingly enough, or maybe not surprising at all if you really know me well, this was the first time that I’ve actually successfully completed a “detox” program, and here are a few of my takeaways…

On Why It's Good to Get Outside (and Get a Little Sun on Your Skin)

On Why It's Good to Get Outside (and Get a Little Sun on Your Skin)

On average, it’s estimated that US adults spend about 90% of their time indoors. And although this tendency is not something new (the indoors is comfy with heat/air, TV, wifi), I also think that it’s really important for us to recognize and utilize the many mental & physical benefits that come from something as simple as stepping out into the sun.

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

A FEW SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR SURFING (from a barely-above-average working class surfer)

For many surfers, surfing is a lifelong sport. One in which there is no final destination, no finish line to cross. Even as average, working class surfers (as I like to refer to myself) we get locked into this obsession of always wanting to take our surfing one step further. So, if you’re a bit like me, and looking for a few ways to help improve your surfing and up your fun factor out in the water, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow list here!



Because who ever said there is only one right way to live??