A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

Here’s to finding more of those moments of stillness sprinkled within the movement. Because like the ocean, life is rarely ever completely still…

If we allow ourselves to pay close enough attention, underneath the apparent stillness there is always a subtle ebb + flow. Which is kind of a relief really, reminding us that even when it feels like it, we are never truly stuck and that life is never stagnant…

But what about those times when it feels like the current of life is moving us along a little too quickly?

Whether it’s never-ending “to do” lists, juggling multiple schedules, the good fortune of non-stop swells, or any of the other numerous duties, hobbies, and responsibilities that come along with being an adult human… Rarely do we find ourselves arriving at chunks of time within our day when there’s absolutely nothing that needs to be done.

Simply put: Life at times can feel non-stop. But within this “busy-ness” is where we get the chance to take our practices off of the mat and into the real world.

Because just as there is always a little movement underneath the stillness, within that movement, and the transitions inherent to that movement, lie brief moments of stillness. Gentle pauses that create space for checking in, in order to continue the flow.

So, just as the breath is always flowing in order to keep us alive, again, if we allow ourselves to pay close enough attention, we can also sense a subtle moment of suspension — the brief pause at the top of the breath in — as well as the emptiness, the fertile ground that rests in that brief pause at the bottom of the breath out.

I’ve been making it a practice to notice the pauses, no matter how subtle, and to lean into the stillness, no matter how brief.

Easier said than done, of course. But that’s why it’s called a practice. And the more you practice, the more natural it becomes.