Recovery Yoga: 3 Poses to Unravel Your Spine + Reset Your Posture

Too much sitting?? Working over your computer?? Or maybe it was a really intense day of training, or maybe you pushed it a little too hard doing yard work or surfing this last swell??

If you’ve said yes to any of the above — and let’s be real, no matter what you do during your day, life in general is beautiful but can be hard on the body — well then you’ve come to the right place!!

This Restorative Yoga sequence is made up of 3 simple poses and uses just a blanket or a towel (along with the support of your breath + the floor) to help you unravel unnecessary tension around your spine and reset your posture.

To begin,

fold your blanket once or twice to make a rectangle, then roll up the long edge of your folded blanket to make a bolser-like roll.


Lay on your back with your knees bent + feet flat. Gently press into your feet to lift your hips and slide your rolled-up blanket underneath you. The back of your hips should rest on the blanket and your low back should be hanging off of it. Explore: Bringing your knees into your chest & gently rocking to massage the back of your hips against the roller; Sending your legs up to the sky for Waterfall Pose; and/or Extending one or both legs out long for a nice hip flexor stretch.


Next, move your rolled-up blanket into your mid-back. Notice that your hips are supported by the floor and that your armpits are above the roll so that your head and shoulders can lean into the support of the floor as well. Explore bringing your arms out to the side in a T-shape (elbows straight) or cactus-shaped (elbows bent).


Finally, move the rolled-up blanket behind your neck. You’ll want the thickness of the blanket to fill the space between your neck and the floor. If your blanket is long enough you can wrap the sides of the blanket around your head to make a “cocoon” for your head to rest in. Feel the muscles around your jaw + neck soften.

A few more notes…

• One reason I love using blankets (or towels) in my practice is because they’re so versatile! It’s like an adjustable, customizable bolster. So as you go through this, keep in mind that you can adjust the thickness of the roll to better support you. You could even roll up 2 blankets if you need to!
• Also keep in mind that you’re not looking for a deep stretch in any of these. More so, you want to feel supported and comfortable enough that you can relax into the shape. Imagine that your body could melt around the roll in each of these shapes.
• Finally, don’t rush. Slow down your breath to slow down your mind. Give yourself the space to relax and unwind. Aim for at least 2 minutes (or 10 or so breaths) in each pose, but feel free to linger as long as needed!

This one’s super yummy 🤤 so please save to repeat as often as you need it and feel free to share with anyone that may enjoy this sequence too!