therapeutic specialist

30min. Morning Mobility + Breath Work Flow (YouTube)

30min. Morning Mobility + Breath Work Flow (YouTube)

Kickstart your morning with some feel-good mobility work paired with an invigorating-yet-grounding breathing practice, and notice how it carries you through the rest of your day. Wake up your body, warm up your joints, and get everything online and ready to support you!

Recovery Yoga: 3 Poses to Unravel Your Spine + Reset Your Posture

Recovery Yoga: 3 Poses to Unravel Your Spine + Reset Your Posture

Long day? Say no more. Check out this Restorative Yoga sequence that uses just a blanket or towel, along with the support of your breath and the floor, to help unravel tension around the spine and reset your posture. Repeat this one regularly!

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Technically a kriya, or an internal cleansing technique, kapalabhati can help to cultivate a clear & invigorated focus while also supporting the clearing out of both stagnant energy as well as any unhelpful & unnecessary thoughts.

Yoga Update: YM500 + Therapeutic Specialist

Yoga Update: YM500 + Therapeutic Specialist

After 3+ years, hundreds of hours of lectures, countless hours of practice, and a handful of dedicated students to be my case studies… On December 1st I got the email that my requirements were met & my case studies were approved!