shoulder mobility

Yoga for Surfers: Easy + Effective Pre-Surf Shoulder Warmup

Yoga for Surfers: Easy + Effective Pre-Surf Shoulder Warmup

I love this one because it’s quick, easy, and an effective way to mobilize the shoulders, fire up the core, and turn up body awareness. Helpful for surfing, before a workout, or to just begin your day! Grab a yoga strap or long-loop resistance band and check out this shoulder warmup.

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Great for surfers, overhead athletes, as well as ALL human beings — because in life we use our arms a lot! So, grab a yoga block and follow along. Save for later and repeat, repeat, repeat! These techniques are great to go through before you paddle out for a surf or before a yoga or training session. They can also be used after to support recovery!