yoga props

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Mobility + MFR for Tight Shoulders and a Stiff Neck

Great for surfers, overhead athletes, as well as ALL human beings — because in life we use our arms a lot! So, grab a yoga block and follow along. Save for later and repeat, repeat, repeat! These techniques are great to go through before you paddle out for a surf or before a yoga or training session. They can also be used after to support recovery!

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Life can be busy. And slowing down and really resting is rarely on our list of things to do. More often than not, we wait until we are forced to rest, whether that be due to burn out or illness or suffering an injury. Enter Restorative Yoga…