Thoughts from my heart and my head spilling out through my fingertips and onto paper (and now the computer screen).

Thoughts from my heart and my head spilling out through my fingertips and onto paper (and now the computer screen).

I am a yoga teacher and I’m not perfect.
I don’t pretend to be.
I eat meat and drink alcohol, sometimes a little bit too much.
I experience days of low confidence and negative self-esteem.
I am a yoga teacher and I can’t do every pose.
I fall out of poses – a lot.
I get distracted in my practice.
I forget to follow my breath.
And sometimes it feels as if I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I cry and I yell and I get jealous and sad and pissed off – all at the same time.
There are times when I worry about my future.
And there are times when I “sweat the small things.”
I am a yoga teacher and I still can get stuck in my head.
I let my ego take over.
I get caught up in drama and gossip and limiting beliefs.
I’ve said things I don’t mean and I’ve hurt people that I care about.
I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve seen my darkest side.
And this is why I teach yoga.
Because I’ve experienced all of this and still continue to.
I’ve made many mistakes, but I try my best to clean them up quickly.
I know I have the power to forgive myself time and time again.
I can forgive others.
I can start fresh. Clean the slate.
I can allow myself to move forward and into growth.
I can take the lessons from my past and apply them to the challenges of today.
I’m a yoga teacher and I’ve accepted my dark, making it my goal each morning to reconnect with my light.
To live from my light.
To share my light with others.
And to not take life too seriously along the way.
I am a yoga teacher and I care about real people and real connection and real happiness.
I want others to find their own light.
Their own strength.
Their own peace.
Most days I am mindful and aware of my energy and my place in the world.
My practice is moving from a place of love and compassion and understanding.
I practice respect towards other’s beliefs while focusing on staying true to my own.
I am a yoga teacher and I am human… And no matter who or what you are, just being human is perfect enough.