3 Journal Prompts to Encourage Reflection + Clarity

Happy New Year!!

Don’t you love the feeling of a fresh start?? And the New Year always brings with it the excitement of possibility and a reminder of our innate potential.

I’ve spent the past two days reflecting on this recent year of life and setting goals and intentions for my upcoming year ahead. As most of you know, I’m a big fan of journaling, I have been most of my life, and I love having written experiences to look back on (so if you haven’t ever journaled, why not start now?! ). I also find that writing out my goals helps to keep me on track and holds me accountable.

Here are 3 journal prompts to encourage reflection and clarity for this New Year:

  1. Who/what are you especially grateful for this past year??

  2. What were the 3 biggest lessons you learned this past year, and what would it look like to incorporate these lessons into daily life??

  3. List 3 goals/intentions/things you want to improve on this year. What small steps or concrete actions can you take to work towards these goals or improvements??

Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2022!