Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: Morning / Pre-Surf Routine

My current morning routine (& pre-surf warm-up).

With the winter season pretty much here, I’ve been noticing myself craving a bit more of the comfort of routine.

So I thought I’d share my current morning routine, which also serves as a pre-surf warm-up, that has been my go-to sequence as of late. The sequence only takes me about 15 minutes to move through, making it easy for me to commit to and fit in each morning before I really start my day.

Now also keep in mind that each day is a little different and our needs each day are often different, so I like to give myself some wiggle room when it comes to the sequence.

Watch this 15-minute sequence sped up for a 90-second Instagram Reel.


1. 10x Diaphragm Breaths w/ strap around lower ribs
- Breathe into strap for awareness and activation of diaphragm, relax neck and shoulders.

2. Three rounds of:
- 40 x Breaths of Fire: Kapalabhati, forced exhale + passive inhale, pumping of diaphragm.
- Apnea hold: Uddiyana Bandha, empty breath and create suction as if you were going to inhale (but don’t breathe in) to create hollowing under ribs, stretching the diaphragm.
- Inhale retention with seated stretches (cow + cat, side bends, twists): After Apnea hold, take a deep breath in and hold your breath while taking a seated cow, then a seated cat. Release breath and begin at the top with Breath of Fire. For 2nd round inhale retention, hold your breath as you move through seated side bends. For 3rd round inhale retention, you’ll hold your breath as you take a twist to each side.


3. Rotator Cuff activation w/ a light resistance band above wrists: Arms out in front of you (in flexion), hug upper arm bones down into shoulder socket.
- 5x controlled pulses with palms facing in
- 5x controlled pulses with palms facing up
- 5x controlled circles in each direction (as big as you can without getting the spine involved)
- 5x lift + lower arms overhead (without allowing the spine to get involved).

4. Glute activation w/ light resistance band above knees: Begin on floor with knees bent and feet flat.
- 5x low glute bridges (don’t worry about back-bending, see if you can keep your low back neutral and focus on sparking a connection to hamstrings + glute max).
- Hold low glute bridge and march in place 10x (aim to keep hips lifted & level).
- 5x/side single-leg bridges (bring opposite knee into chest, keep hips level as you lift and lower).
- Hold low glute bridge and pulse hips 5x (again, feel the work in hamstrings and glute max).

5. More Spine, Core, Shoulders + Hips:
-5x Cow + Cat in Table Top (allow the spine to move!).
-5x Scap push-ups in Table Top (keep neutral spine as you glide shoulder blades together and apart).
-Active arm + hip circles in Table Top (keep neutral spine as you slowly take each arm, then each leg through a circle).


6. Plank > Downdog > 5x Locust lifts (sense connection and coordination through the whole back line as you lift and lower with control).
7. 5x/side Revolved Lunge > Opp. Skater/Skandasana (sense full-body connection and coordination as you flow).
8. Malasana > Seated 90/90 hip rotations (never hurts to give the hips a little extra love!).


9. Butterfly Pose (I like to finish with a symmetrical shape for my hips).
10. Seated meditation or visualization (create a calm focus for your session or day!).

If you have any questions, or if you give it a go, let me know! And, if you don’t already have one, I hope this inspires a morning (or pre-surf) routine for you!