15min. Mindful Movement Break: MFR + Yoga using the Wall

Join me for a 15-minute, mindful movement break that incorporates myofascial release (MFR) with an accessible standing flow using the support of a wall.

As the name implies, this practice is a great one for a midday movement "snack" to help break up your workday, stir up some circulation, and refocus your attention, but you could also use this practice anytime - morning or evening - whenever you feel like your body & mind could use a little reset + nourishment.

For this class, you'll need a little wall space and 2 therapy balls -- or tennis balls, or something similar, a couple of pairs of rolled-up socks could potentially work too! For a brief part in the beginning, you'll also want to have access to a corner of a wall or a doorframe, you could also use a yoga block or something similar as well.

We'll begin with a few minutes of MFR for the rhomboids and the pecs, if you don't have access to therapy balls just fast-forward until 6:40 into the video for the standing flow that's inspired by a post by yoga teacher Jivana Heyman on Instagram. He's the founder of the Accessible Yoga School and he shares a lot of great information!

So please save, like, share, and come back to this as often as needed. I hope it's helpful!