2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

Needless to say, 2020 has been a challenging year for us all,

affecting humans across the globe. But I truly believe that challenges eventually pave way to solid foundations of growth, and expansion… So I thought it would be nice to compile, and share, a list of lessons (in no particular order) that the year 2020 has really reinforced, in hopes that it would encourage you to do some reflection too. For me,

this is what came to mind:

  1. As human beings, we are incredibly resilient. Trust that you can adapt.

  2. Don’t worry too much about the future. Que será será. Time is relative, and this moment right now is all we ever really have.

  3. Tell people “I love you” and “thank you,” often.

  4. Your job does not define you (because you are so much more than that).

  5. Movement is essential. Rest is productive. Never underestimate the power of the breath.

  6. Make time for the things that bring you joy.

  7. There is purpose in your passions.

  8. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity. But remember that self care is a practice meant to refill our reservoirs so that, in turn, we have that much more to give to others. After all, we can’t survive without community.

  9. We are all doing the best that we can with what we have.

  10. Love is far more powerful than hate.

  11. There is always something to be grateful for. Even when it’s challenging, practice gratitude, every damn day.

So, I’d love to keep this convo going:

What lessons has this past year taught you?? Share one or a few in a comment below!