
2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

Needless to say, 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, affecting humans all across the globe. But I believe that challenges eventually pave way to solid foundations, growth, and expansion. So I thought it would be nice to compile, and share, a list of lessons that 2020 has taught me, and this is what came to mind…

Manifesting Magic: Journal Prompts for New Year's Clarity

Manifesting Magic: Journal Prompts for New Year's Clarity

Asking yourself questions and writing down the answers is an effective way to make sense of the jumbled thoughts of the mind. Here are a few journal prompts to help you gain clarity around what you want to focus on or create in the New Year.