movement and mindfulness

Cross Training: Full-Body Strength using Long-Loop Resistance Band

Cross Training: Full-Body Strength using Long-Loop Resistance Band

This is a quick and effective full-body workout using a long-loop resistance band – a great one if you're short on time (you could also repeat the sequence for a longer workout) or if you're traveling and have minimal equipment or space.

Yoga Update: YM500 + Therapeutic Specialist

Yoga Update: YM500 + Therapeutic Specialist

After 3+ years, hundreds of hours of lectures, countless hours of practice, and a handful of dedicated students to be my case studies… On December 1st I got the email that my requirements were met & my case studies were approved!

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

2020 in Rearview: 11 Things I've Learned This Past Year

Needless to say, 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, affecting humans all across the globe. But I believe that challenges eventually pave way to solid foundations, growth, and expansion. So I thought it would be nice to compile, and share, a list of lessons that 2020 has taught me, and this is what came to mind…

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Give yourself, or someone you love, the gift of self-care! Gift Certificates are now available starting at $10 -- These are great gifts or stocking stuffers and can be used for the Friday "Feel Good" Flow, or for in-person or online private yoga session(s).

New Spotify Playlist: Music for Mindful Movement (60min)

New Spotify Playlist: Music for Mindful Movement (60min)

A new, yoga-inspired Spotify playlist that I put together to encourage an hour-long movement and mindfulness practice. This is a playlist that I use in my group classes and one that I hope inspires you to roll out your mat and take what you need from your practice. Enjoy!!

Reflections from a Month on the Mat with YMO

Reflections from a Month on the Mat with YMO

There’s no denying that a regular mindfulness practice holds this capacity to make you feel good. But, just as in life, the practice ebbs and flows. Although, it’s comforting to know that it’s always there for us to return to anytime we need it. Yesterday marked the final day of the #MonthontheMat challenge with Yoga Medicine Online and I’m grateful for my YM teachers that hold space for me, for us all, to just show up as we are…