"Warrior Flow" Yoga Sequence to Awaken the Body & Focus the Mind (30min.)

Move from worrier to warrior with this “Warrior Flow” Vinyasa Yoga Sequence to awaken the body & focus the mind.

We’ll begin with a brief warm up, then move through a “Warrior Flow” sequence that will build off of a Sun Salutation A (if you need a Sun Salutation refresh - check my video here) and explore a series of strong standing postures like Crescent Lunge & Warrior II.

As you get more comfortable with the sequence, you can play with pace - moving faster, only taking 1 recovery breath between rounds, or slowing down the movements & breath. You can ALWAYS add in your own flair - handstand hops, 3-leg chaturangas, unsupported Reverse Warrior, Extended Side Angle… You can modify by skipping the ‘vinyasas’ between sides (just step back to Downdog), and you could even skip the entire Sun A sequence, just moving through the standing poses from Downdog. Feel free to get creative!! But remember to stay mindful & intentional. Make sure the movement and the shapes feel good for you.

This is a great sequence to practice on it’s own (I just encourage you to spend a few minutes in savasana or seated meditation afterwards), or use it as a way to wake up and get your body super warm before going into postures with longer holds, backbends, and/or hip openers.

These online offerings are FREE for everyone. Please share with anyone that you think would enjoy. Donations are not required, but are welcome via Venmo, PayPal or ATH Movil.

ATH MOVIL: 843-290-4192

I hope you enjoy! If you have any feedback, questions, or requests - send me an email here!
And if you share on social be sure to use
#yogawithsalty and tag me @sunburntandsalty!!

We can come together in solidarity through our self-isolation, and I’m grateful for this wild virtual world that’s allowing us all to stay connected through these truly strange & lonesome times. Recording these yoga classes have been helping me cope with the extreme changes & challenges that I, like many, are experiencing. I’m grateful for this outlet and I’m grateful for you. Hope you are well.