insight and opinion

Insight & Opinion: Re-Writing Our Roles in the Story

Insight & Opinion: Re-Writing Our Roles in the Story

“In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is a story of the Earth.” - Rachel Carson. How amazing is it that we get to be a part of this story?? And while our time on this planet is relatively short-lived — the Earth was spinning long before us and will likely continue to spin long after us — I can’t help but think about the small-but-mighty impact our own existence holds.

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

To Notice: Taking Our Practice Off the Mat and Into the World

Our ability to notice 'on the mat' fine tunes our ability to notice 'off the mat.' If our practice stays limited to the confines of our yoga mat, then it is not really yoga. As our practice reminds us, we can learn so much when we give ourselves permission to get quiet and to notice... So why wouldn't we want to apply this to the external world??