shoulder strength

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Are your vinyasa flows getting a little too repetitive?? In this Practice Notes I share 5 alternatives for chaturanga to help you bring a little more variety into those vinyasa flows! While our bodies learn through repetition, our bodies also crave variety, and training the shoulders in different ways will only make them stronger and more resilient.

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Do you practice some kind of Vinyasa Yoga? If so, then there’s a chance that you probably move through, or at least hear the teacher call for, a chaturanga or two (or 20!) each time you flow. And whether you love it or could leave it, it’s a pose that can help build strength + confidence, but it’s also a pose that’s all too often rushed through and, sometimes, even feared!