yoga asana

Simple. But not always easy.

Simple. But not always easy.

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes simple can be easy. And that's great. And sometimes there is a place for complexity as well. But the simple, the simple is available. Accessible. And when noticed and practiced regularly, the simple can support us in coming back to center. Back to what's true.

Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy

Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy

A quick (like under-10-minute quick) sequence for those days, or those seasons of life, when you just don’t have a whole lot of time. I consider this to be more of an ‘active mobility’ flow, so it’s nice to do in the mornings or during a midday slump — It could also serve as a warmup before surfing or a workout! Check it out and enjoy!

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Do you practice some kind of Vinyasa Yoga? If so, then there’s a chance that you probably move through, or at least hear the teacher call for, a chaturanga or two (or 20!) each time you flow. And whether you love it or could leave it, it’s a pose that can help build strength + confidence, but it’s also a pose that’s all too often rushed through and, sometimes, even feared!

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

In this Practice Notes tutorial, I break down 4 cues to create more support and stability in the shoulders whenever bearing weight on the hands. Not just limited to yoga asana, but this also applies to cross-training and maybe even your sport! Join me as I guide you through the steps.

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. But since I’ve become committed to a regular yoga practice, I’ve definitely noticed that yoga has greatly enhanced my overall surfing experience. Here I outline 6 Yoga Poses to practice regularly to keep you feeling strong and fluid in the water. Enjoy!