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A Note for the Wellness World: We're Only Human

A Note for the Wellness World: We're Only Human

As humans, we are not just one way or another. In fact, we can be and it’s OK to be a living contradiction. Why?! Because we change. We adapt. We learn and we unlearn and we shed many skins over the course of a lifetime. And these layers of feelings and emotions just give life that much more depth.

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Give yourself, or someone you love, the gift of self-care! Gift Certificates are now available starting at $10 -- These are great gifts or stocking stuffers and can be used for the Friday "Feel Good" Flow, or for in-person or online private yoga session(s).

Self-Care Club: A RAD Way to Treat Yourself (& show me a little support as well)

Self-Care Club: A RAD Way to Treat Yourself (& show me a little support as well)

RAD makes my go-to myofascial release (MFR) tools that both my partner and I use daily. If you’re looking to purchase some quality MFR tools to incorporate into your self-care practice, check out this company and use my affiliate link to shop. Treat yourself, and show me a little support as well.