tiffany cruikshank

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Enhancing Proprioception for Pain Mgmt, Resilience, and Growth

Proprioception is a big word that refers to our ability to sense our body as it moves through space. Essentially, it’s body awareness, and it’s mostly subconscious as it’s happening all the time. And while there are many factors that can influence our proprioception, I find it helpful to also think of it as a skill that can be consciously strengthened…

On a Personal Note: A Few Things I Learned From My 30-to-31 Detox

On a Personal Note: A Few Things I Learned From My 30-to-31 Detox

As some of you know, or maybe you weren’t aware, I committed myself to a 30-day detox program leading up to my 31st birthday, which was this past Friday the 25th. Surprisingly enough, or maybe not surprising at all if you really know me well, this was the first time that I’ve actually successfully completed a “detox” program, and here are a few of my takeaways…