Breathing for Beginner's Mind: Ujjayi Pranayama

Breathing for Beginner's Mind: Ujjayi Pranayama

Anchor your attention into the ebb & flow of the eternal now and open your mind to the vastness of sensations encompassed in the breath by using this foundational pranayama practice. Cultivate curiosity and embrace an attitude of open awareness.

Breathing for Balance: Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril)

Breathing for Balance: Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril)

Get grounded, clear out the clutter, and cultivate a sense of connection, balance, and harmony through this month's featured breathing technique: Nadi shodhana pranayama, also known as alternate nostril breathing.

30min. Morning Mobility + Breath Work Flow (YouTube)

30min. Morning Mobility + Breath Work Flow (YouTube)

Kickstart your morning with some feel-good mobility work paired with an invigorating-yet-grounding breathing practice, and notice how it carries you through the rest of your day. Wake up your body, warm up your joints, and get everything online and ready to support you!

Breathing for Trust: Viloma Pranayama (Interrupted Breathing)

Breathing for Trust: Viloma Pranayama (Interrupted Breathing)

Viloma pranayama is an interrupted breathing technique that teaches patience and encourages trust through the intentional interruption or pausing of the breath. This technique can also be helpful in expanding lung capacity.

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

Breathing for Nourishment: 10min. Coherent Breathing

This slow, deliberate, and rhythmic breathing is incredibly efficient at balancing and calming the nervous system, raising heart rate variability, decreasing blood pressure, and boosting mood all while nourishing our bodies, brains, organs, muscles, and cells.

Breathing for Focus: 2+1 Breath and 10-Count Breath Meditations

Breathing for Focus: 2+1 Breath and 10-Count Breath Meditations

Breathing for focus. The one is less about control and more about mindfulness. Let’s explore two breath-counting meditations that can help you to cultivate a sense of presence, focus, and calm — strengthening your ability to be here now.

Breathing for Confidence: Bhramari Pranayama

Breathing for Confidence: Bhramari Pranayama

Turn down the noise between your ears and turn up your capacity to self-regulate, re-align, and speak your truth through Bhramari pranayama, also known as humming bee breathing. This is one of my favorites because it’s simple, accessible, and very effective.

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

While the inhale tends to be a bit more uplifting and invigorating, the breath out carries with it a capacity to slow us down, supporting our ability to surrender and rest. This is an easy and customizable breathing pattern that you can do anywhere to help you get out of your head and grounded in the now.

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Breathing for Courage: Kapalabhati

Technically a kriya, or an internal cleansing technique, kapalabhati can help to cultivate a clear & invigorated focus while also supporting the clearing out of both stagnant energy as well as any unhelpful & unnecessary thoughts.

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Breathing for Connection: Partner & Heart Breathing

Explore one breath practice for you and a partner and one technique to practice with yourself, both intended to cultivate a sense of connection, compassion, appreciation, and love.

Breathing for Patience: Box Breath (Sama Vritti Pranayama)

Breathing for Patience: Box Breath (Sama Vritti Pranayama)

One of my favorite techniques for when I’m feeling impatient, annoyed, or overwhelmed, I often turn to this breathing technique to help me anchor in the present moment, settle my nerves, slow down the thoughts, and create some space between my ears.