parasympathetic nervous system

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

Breathing to Ground: Extended Exhale (1:2 Ratio)

While the inhale tends to be a bit more uplifting and invigorating, the breath out carries with it a capacity to slow us down, supporting our ability to surrender and rest. This is an easy and customizable breathing pattern that you can do anywhere to help you get out of your head and grounded in the now.

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Life can be busy. And slowing down and really resting is rarely on our list of things to do. More often than not, we wait until we are forced to rest, whether that be due to burn out or illness or suffering an injury. Enter Restorative Yoga…