movement is medicine

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

A big part of surfing is learning to navigate the ever-changing and often unpredictable lineup. Similar to life, the ocean and her waves are influenced by many different factors, most of them being totally out of our control. And as surfers, we learn that the key to navigating these often tricky lineups is to stay present and remain calm.

3 Tips to Boost Your Immune System — For this Season, and many more to come!

3 Tips to Boost Your Immune System — For this Season, and many more to come!

As we find ourselves stepping into what we commonly refer to as “flu season,” still bobbing and weaving our way through a pandemic, there’s a lot of talk around boosting our immune systems, and for obvious and very good reasons. But a strong immune response isn’t just critical now, it’s crucial for keeping us healthy and resilient throughout every season of our life.

New Playlist: "Keep On Flowin" for a 60min. Vinyasa Flow

New Playlist: "Keep On Flowin" for a 60min. Vinyasa Flow

It’s been over a month since we were able to practice together in a group class, and it’s probably been that long since I’ve made a playlist! I enjoy making playlists specific for my group classes, and since it’s been a while, I thought I’d share a recent playlist with some tunes that I’ve been loving to flow to during my personal practice at home.