yoga for recovery

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Life can be busy. And slowing down and really resting is rarely on our list of things to do. More often than not, we wait until we are forced to rest, whether that be due to burn out or illness or suffering an injury. Enter Restorative Yoga…

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self care and MFR have been synonymous for me these days. MFR is great to add into a self-care routine because it doesn’t take much time, and you don’t really need a whole lot of space or many tools… But, if you wanted to invest in some high-quality MFR tools to add to your self-care tool kit, then here I share three I can’t live without.

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Unlike its ‘yang’ counterpart (the beloved Vinyasa flow), Yin yoga is a practice that focuses more on stillness and introspection. Here I share 6 poses that can be strung together for a 30-minute Yin Yoga sequence to help you unravel tension in the shoulders and the hips — Great for surfers, athletes, weekend warriors, and everyone in between!