RAD roller

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

RAD Challenge: 3 Tips for Drinking More Water

As a part of the Healthy Living Challenge that I’m co-hosting with RAD, we’re encouraging everyone (myself included) to drink 80oz. of water each day. The other two parts of the challenge, mobility + exercise, are both already solid pillars of my daily routine. But the drinking enough water part?? Well, that’s the area I struggle in. So here are my 3 tips to help you drink more.

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self-Care Club: My Favorite Tools for Myofascial Release

Self care and MFR have been synonymous for me these days. MFR is great to add into a self-care routine because it doesn’t take much time, and you don’t really need a whole lot of space or many tools… But, if you wanted to invest in some high-quality MFR tools to add to your self-care tool kit, then here I share three I can’t live without.

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

An Energizing Breathwork Practice (w/ a little MFR) to Kickstart Your Day

This is a 20minute, energizing Breathwork Practice that is really nice to do first thing in the morning to help you wake up your body and to cultivate a clear, calm, and focused mind. You could also use this before a yoga practice, a surf, or a training session. We’ll begin with some MFR so grab a towel or a blanket and let’s dive in!

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated playlist of a few of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, swimmers, athletes, and weekend warriors!! You’ll need: two therapy balls (or tennis balls), a yoga block or foam roller, and maybe some pillows & blankets. These techniques are great to do at the end of a long day, or after a long surf or training session. Enjoy!

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

Low back pain is unfortunately all too common. Check out this myofascial release (MFR) tutorial to help you release tension, ease pain, and free up some space in the low back so that you can continue to feel good and move well! I highly recommend this as recovery post-surf or sport, or at the end of a long day. You’ll need 2 therapy balls.

MFR Techniques for the Hamstrings (14min.)

MFR Techniques for the Hamstrings (14min.)

Release tension and restore tissue integrity in the hamstrings with these simple myofacsial release (MFR) techniques that you can practice at home. This can be helpful for yogis, surfers, and athletes - or if you experience discomfort in the low back, around the seat, through the back of the leg or the knee.

Yoga at Your Desk: MFR for the Hands + Wrists (9 min.)

Yoga at Your Desk: MFR for the Hands + Wrists (9 min.)

Release tension in the hands and the wrists with this simple-yet-effective myofascial release (MFR) technique that can easily be done at your desk! As humans, we use our hands a lot, so this technique will benefit everyone, and can be helpful to ease pain associated with overuse, carpal tunnel, or arthritis.

MFR Tutorial: Relief through the Feet (7min.)

MFR Tutorial: Relief through the Feet (7min.)

This is one of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques that I do pretty much daily! Use a therapy ball to release tension and restore tissue integrity in the feet. Our feet are our foundation, and if you’re like me you may spend a lot of time on them! Give your feet some relief and notice the effects in the rest of the body.

Products I Love: Rad Roller MFR Tools

Products I Love: Rad Roller MFR Tools

I’ve had a few people ask me what kind of myofascial release balls I use in my own self-care routine and athletic recovery practice. Here is my favorite brand, I use their tools daily! They are also offering 25% OFF their entire site through Monday 12/2!