Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: 3 Ways a Regular Practice Can Support You

Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: 3 Ways a Regular Practice Can Support You

With winter just around the corner, now is the time to start prepping the body and the mind for the first swell of the season. There are many ways in which a regular yoga practice can support your cross-training and surfing, but for me, these are my top 3:

Upcoming Retreat: Surf + Yoga in Nicaragua with GLOW!

Upcoming Retreat: Surf + Yoga in Nicaragua with GLOW!

I’m stoked to be a part of GLOW’s first ever Surf & Yoga Retreat and this one is all about cultivating presence on the mat & in the water. This week will leave all students feeling invigorated, confident, and connected as we dive deeply into the healing power of yoga & salt water, alike.

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

MFR for Surfers (y Todxs): Neck Tension Relief

These three simple + effective myofascial release (MFR or self-massage) techniques are my go-to when I’m experiencing tension in my neck. Whether I’ve been logging hours paddling around on my surfboard or working over my desk + computer, these techniques tend to give me immediate relief... And the best thing, you don’t need any tools!

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

In Gratitude For Surfing (Because Surfing is Medicine)

A big part of surfing is learning to navigate the ever-changing and often unpredictable lineup. Similar to life, the ocean and her waves are influenced by many different factors, most of them being totally out of our control. And as surfers, we learn that the key to navigating these often tricky lineups is to stay present and remain calm.

Yoga for Surfers: Pre-Surf Mobility + a Post-Surf Recovery

Yoga for Surfers: Pre-Surf Mobility + a Post-Surf Recovery

I thought it’d be fun to share pieces of my practice in hopes that it’ll inspire you to roll out your mat and maybe provide you with some fresh ideas to incorporate into your own practice and/or teaching. My goal with these are to keep them short, sweet, and most importantly, effective. So if you’re interested, click through for these two mini sequences!

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Practice with Me: Anytime Online with The Salty Club

Did you know that you can practice with me anytime online over on The Salty Club App? Well if you don’t know, now you know! And I highly recommend checking out this incredible surf-inspired platform, if you haven’t already…

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Unlike its ‘yang’ counterpart (the beloved Vinyasa flow), Yin yoga is a practice that focuses more on stillness and introspection. Here I share 6 poses that can be strung together for a 30-minute Yin Yoga sequence to help you unravel tension in the shoulders and the hips — Great for surfers, athletes, weekend warriors, and everyone in between!

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

MFR for Surfers: A Curated Playlist for Overworked Shoulders

A curated playlist of a few of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques for overworked shoulders -- perfect for surfers, swimmers, athletes, and weekend warriors!! You’ll need: two therapy balls (or tennis balls), a yoga block or foam roller, and maybe some pillows & blankets. These techniques are great to do at the end of a long day, or after a long surf or training session. Enjoy!

As Lineups Get More Crowded: A Little Bit About Surf Etiquette

As Lineups Get More Crowded: A Little Bit About Surf Etiquette

Crowded lineups are relatively unavoidable these days. And we all get it, yea!? Surfing is awesome!! But, much like the ‘rules of the road,’ the unwritten but very much accepted ‘rules of surf etiquette’ are there to ensure everyone’s safety, as well as to help create some order to make sure that everyone gets their fair share of rides. So here are 6 tips that I think are most important to know.

Featured: Yoga for Surfers with prAna's National Yoga Month

Featured: Yoga for Surfers with prAna's National Yoga Month

I’m stoked to have teamed up with prAna for National Yoga Month to share with y’all a 30minute Yoga for Surfers practice that will help get the body warm and awake while also cultivating a clear, calm, and focused mind for your surf, or for your day. Great as a pre-surf/sport practice, morning flow, or midday re-energizer. Enjoy!!

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

MFR for Low Back Pain (MFR for Surfers, Athletes, y Todxs!)

Low back pain is unfortunately all too common. Check out this myofascial release (MFR) tutorial to help you release tension, ease pain, and free up some space in the low back so that you can continue to feel good and move well! I highly recommend this as recovery post-surf or sport, or at the end of a long day. You’ll need 2 therapy balls.

MFR for Deep Breathing: No Props Needed!

MFR for Deep Breathing: No Props Needed!

One of my favorites and definitely most used!! This is a nice way to start the day and a GREAT technique for pre–yoga / breathwork / training / surfing / and of course, I gotta think about all my free-diving friends! This technique focuses on the intercostal muscles between the ribs and you don’t need any props - sólo tús manos - so you can practice it anywhere.

Diversity in Surfing: Perspectives to Listen to & Organizations to Support

Diversity in Surfing: Perspectives to Listen to & Organizations to Support

On the topic of diversity in surfing, here are some perspectives to listen to and some organizations to support. Let’s make sure our new normal is one that’s rooted in equity, equality, and celebrating the beauty of diversity. PC: Javier Gil

Insight & Opinion: Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling

Insight & Opinion: Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling

The saying “only a surfer knows the feeling” has never held more weight than right now. From an outside perspective, surfing can appear as an obsession, or just another form of physical exercise, or a way to spend time in nature. And while surfing is those things, for many of us, surfing is also so much more… For many, it’s a cure.

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

Yoga for Surfers: 6 Poses to Practice Daily

I was a surfer long before I was a yogi. But since I’ve become committed to a regular yoga practice, I’ve definitely noticed that yoga has greatly enhanced my overall surfing experience. Here I outline 6 Yoga Poses to practice regularly to keep you feeling strong and fluid in the water. Enjoy!

Lessons from Flat Spells

Lessons from Flat Spells

As surfers, we have a whole lotta faith. Really, we do. No matter where you live in the world, as a surfer, we all go through the inevitable flat spells. And, unless you’re a pro with a travel budget, for us who frequent our local breaks and surf around our daily life responsibilities, we have learned to always have faith that more waves will come. And what a beautiful perspective to have…

Ocean Conservation & Upcoming Community Events

Ocean Conservation & Upcoming Community Events

As surfers, we share a unique and intimate connection to the ocean and its beaches. We come to know the lineup were we live. For many of us, our local lineup is kinda like a second home…

MFR Tutorial: Relief through the Feet (7min.)

MFR Tutorial: Relief through the Feet (7min.)

This is one of my favorite myofascial release (MFR) techniques that I do pretty much daily! Use a therapy ball to release tension and restore tissue integrity in the feet. Our feet are our foundation, and if you’re like me you may spend a lot of time on them! Give your feet some relief and notice the effects in the rest of the body.

Travel Journal: Bali, Lombok & West Sumbawa

Travel Journal: Bali, Lombok & West Sumbawa

Taking full advantage of jet-lag and rainy days, and recommitting to regularly posting authentic content to this Journal page! Plus, I kinda wish I had done this on our previous trips while the memories and sensations were still fresh in the brain… Click through to take a look into our recent trip to Indonesia!

Yoga for Surfers: 3 Post-Surf Poses for the Shoulders

Yoga for Surfers: 3 Post-Surf Poses for the Shoulders

Maybe you just had a marathon of a surf session, or maybe it’s just been a while since you’ve paddled that much… And hey, this stuff even works if you’ve been mind-surfing from your desk all day… Whatever the case, I’ve outline three simple yoga poses to help relieve stiffness in your shoulders.