Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: Morning / Pre-Surf Routine

Yoga for Surfers + Athletes: Morning / Pre-Surf Routine

Do you have a morning movement or mindfulness routine? Here I share my current morning routine, which also serves as a pre-surf warm-up, that has been my go-to sequence as of late. It only takes me about 15 minutes to move through and I notice such a difference in my day!

A Yoga Playlist for Slowing Down + Doing Less

A Yoga Playlist for Slowing Down + Doing Less

This hour-long playlist was curated for a Restorative Yoga practice with the intention to support you in slowing down and doing less (without feeling guilty) as a way to recalibrate, reconnect, and refill your cup. Enjoy!

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

A Hint of Salt: Lean Into the Stillness, No Matter How Brief

Here’s to finding more of those moments of stillness sprinkled within the movement. Because like the ocean, life is rarely ever completely still…

Yoga for Humans... That are Feeling Burnt Out

Yoga for Humans... That are Feeling Burnt Out

Regular burnout has become all-too-common. And it shouldn’t be that way. So instead of running on E, what would shift if we took the time to pause + refill whenever we notice that we happen to be running low?? If you’re teetering on the edges of burnout or currently in its grasp, allow this Restorative Yoga sequence to support you! Grab a few pillows, relax, and recharge!

3 Journal Prompts to Encourage Reflection + Clarity

3 Journal Prompts to Encourage Reflection + Clarity

Journaling has been a part of my self-care practice since I was a little kid. I find it one of the most helpful ways to make sense of the chatter going on between my ears. Here I share 3 journal prompts that encourage reflection and clarity as we step into this New Year!

Yoga-Inspired Playlist for a Feel-Good Flow

Yoga-Inspired Playlist for a Feel-Good Flow

A 60-minute, yoga-inspired, Spotify playlist for those times when you just don’t feel like moving your body. Press play, roll out your mat and see what happens. I can tell you one thing: I promise you won’t regret it!!!

Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy

Yoga for Humans... That are Really Busy

A quick (like under-10-minute quick) sequence for those days, or those seasons of life, when you just don’t have a whole lot of time. I consider this to be more of an ‘active mobility’ flow, so it’s nice to do in the mornings or during a midday slump — It could also serve as a warmup before surfing or a workout! Check it out and enjoy!

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Practice Notes: 5 Alternatives for 'Chaturanga'

Are your vinyasa flows getting a little too repetitive?? In this Practice Notes I share 5 alternatives for chaturanga to help you bring a little more variety into those vinyasa flows! While our bodies learn through repetition, our bodies also crave variety, and training the shoulders in different ways will only make them stronger and more resilient.

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Asana Breakdown: Finding Support in Chaturanga Dandasana

Do you practice some kind of Vinyasa Yoga? If so, then there’s a chance that you probably move through, or at least hear the teacher call for, a chaturanga or two (or 20!) each time you flow. And whether you love it or could leave it, it’s a pose that can help build strength + confidence, but it’s also a pose that’s all too often rushed through and, sometimes, even feared!

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

Practice Notes: Stabilizing the Shoulders in Weight-Bearing Postures

In this Practice Notes tutorial, I break down 4 cues to create more support and stability in the shoulders whenever bearing weight on the hands. Not just limited to yoga asana, but this also applies to cross-training and maybe even your sport! Join me as I guide you through the steps.

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Yoga for Everybody: 5 Restorative Poses for a Recharge

Life can be busy. And slowing down and really resting is rarely on our list of things to do. More often than not, we wait until we are forced to rest, whether that be due to burn out or illness or suffering an injury. Enter Restorative Yoga…

New Playlist: 60min. Restorative Yoga + Relaxation

New Playlist: 60min. Restorative Yoga + Relaxation

A new Spotify playlist created for an hour-long Restorative Yoga practice to inspire rest and relaxation. Think of this as switching into your “do not disturb” mode. Grab some pillows and blankets, turn down the lights, hit play, and seep in the stillness… Allow it to help you refill your cup!

Support Your Practice and the Planet: Manduka LiveON Program

Support Your Practice and the Planet: Manduka LiveON Program

As one of the largest producers of yoga mats (and for a great reason bc they make the best!) Manduka Yoga has been committed to keeping old mats out of landfills through their LiveON Recycling Program. To date, Manduka has recycled 7,595 mats and diverted 34,177 pounds of waste material from entering landfills!! Recycling your mat is easy with their LiveON Recycling Kit... Here’s how.

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

April Wellness Workshop: Spine Health

For this month’s wellness workshop we will be exploring myofascial release (MFR) techniques and gentle movement to support a supple and healthy spine. This workshop will benefit every body: Whether you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk during the week or put in hours working over your garden bed… Surfers and athletes will of course benefit from these techniques too!

March Wellness Workshop: Restorative Yoga + Essential Oils

March Wellness Workshop: Restorative Yoga + Essential Oils

Wellness is a multi-dimensional practice and there are many tools and techniques to support you along your journey. And that’s why I’m so excited for this month’s wellness workshop as it will be a collaborative event between myself and my dear friend, essential oils expert Vanessa Noll.

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Upper Body

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Upper Body

As promised from my previous Practice Notes, here are some of my favorite Child’s Pose variations for a little upper-body unraveling! These shapes are super yummy for the shoulders, chest, and upper back. Enjoy!

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Practice Notes: 5 Child's Pose Variations for Low-Body Love

Child’s Pose. It’s one of those poses that just feels good. And the beauty of this pose, like all of the other poses we move through on our mats, is that we can make subtle adjustments within the shape that can totally change the intention and sensation of the shape…

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

A Fresh Schedule with New Classes for 2021

It’s a New Year and life is still kinda weird so why not go ahead and switch things up a little bit!? I’m really excited about this new weekly schedule that features 3 different group classes: Flow, Yin + MFR, and NEW Sculpt Yoga. Classes are offered in-person and online. I hope to see you on your mat!

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Yin Yoga for Surfers: Unravel Tight Shoulders and Hips

Unlike its ‘yang’ counterpart (the beloved Vinyasa flow), Yin yoga is a practice that focuses more on stillness and introspection. Here I share 6 poses that can be strung together for a 30-minute Yin Yoga sequence to help you unravel tension in the shoulders and the hips — Great for surfers, athletes, weekend warriors, and everyone in between!

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Now Available: Gift Certificates for Movement & Mindfulness

Give yourself, or someone you love, the gift of self-care! Gift Certificates are now available starting at $10 -- These are great gifts or stocking stuffers and can be used for the Friday "Feel Good" Flow, or for in-person or online private yoga session(s).